Internship for php laravel developer

Islamabad, Rawalpindi
Posted 4 years ago

Aricrypta pvt ltd is an Islamabad based IT professional services and solutions company. We provide data warehouse, analytics, data engineering, cloud, BI, machine learning, web development, application development, managed services and other consulting services to our international clients

We have few positions for internship for fresh graduates and php programmers who would like to dig into real life php application and implementation. The internee will be required to work on laravel based framework and work closely on eloquent and other laravel based Crud operations. The Internee is expected to have basic knowledge of Laravel and php. Further guidance and learning opportunities will be provided

This is an unpaid internship but will provide excellent learning opportunity. Good performance can also lead to permanent position with our company. The position provides options of working in our office or working remotely. You will get opportunity of speaking to international teams and also will provide good opportunity of improving communication skills


  • Php and other web development skills.
  • JavascriptCSS/HTML
  • MySQL
  • Laravel

COVID-19 precautions

  • Remote interview process
  • Social distancing guidelines in place
  • Virtual meetings
  • Sanitizing, disinfecting, or cleaning procedures in place

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